David Dyer
David Dyer
Growing up in a Christian home and being loved and raised by his parents, Les and Jan Dyer, is something David is most thankful for. David grew up in church, and heard the gospel early and often from the Pastors of his two childhood churches. Phil Chapman and Jim Gore were instrumental in providing a spiritual foundation for David, and he still remembers many of their sermons. When he was 11 years old, David met Jesus. On September 27th, 1995, David found himself on the front pew of Welcome Home Baptist Church while at a youth rally. With his middle school football jersey on, David heard the powerful words delivered by Evangelist Wade Ivy about Heaven, Hell, and the One who gave His life to save the world. Concerning the moment of his salvation, David often says, “I don’t know if I was saved in the pew or at the altar, but I like to think that it happened somewhere in between as I came forward to give my heart to Jesus.”
Although another story might overlook the years between ages 11 and 20, David sees them as a time when God was most gracious. “I lived like a fool, made countless mistakes, had all the wrong priorities, and put myself first at every opportunity; but God was faithful. He never let me go and He never stopped telling me that He loved me. Eventually, He won me back to Himself, and now I want the whole world to know that God is able to do the same thing for them that He’s done for me.”
After meeting his bride-to-be at Wingate University, David came back to Wilkes. While he and Carolyn were making plans for their future, God was doing work in both of their lives. David began serving in the praise team at his church, and with the support, love, and guidance of his Pastors, Craig Church and Shannon Critcher, he grew closer to the Lord than ever before.
In the Fall of 2005, while driving along the Yadkin River on Hwy 268, God called David into the ministry. David was engaged to Carolyn the following February, began serving at his first church (Shoal Creek Baptist) under the leadership of Pastor Dick Westbrook in June, and was married in October of 2006.
In the years to follow, David served as an Evangelist with Craig Church Ministries and as the Associate Pastor/Worship Leader/Youth Pastor at Oakwoods Baptist under the leadership of Pastor Robert Duncan. He also completed his degree in religion from Liberty University.
In November of 2015, David accepted the call of God and the people here at Fairplains to become their shepherd. Since then, countless incredible things have been accomplished for the glory of the Lord. Pastor David explains the ongoing experience like this: “Dozens have been saved and baptized. Many are attending church for the first time or for the first time in a long time. Marriages have been restored and homes have been strengthened. Those long overlooked by others have been given a special place to play. Children fill our hallways, rooms, and sanctuary with laughs and occasional cries. Beautiful partnerships with other local churches and their leaders have been established.” As our church moves forward, Pastor David sees great things on the horizon. “The Gospel will be preached, the Holy Spirit will be welcomed, lives will be transformed, chains will be broken, and Jesus will be exalted. We’re seeking the Kingdom of God, and we’ll never settle for anything less than the best God desires to give His people.”
David and Carolyn have been blessed by God with 7 of the most beautiful people in the world: Attilyn, Layden, Cooper, Ellie, Sawyer, Julia and Bryce . The Dyer gang live on a tract of land in Mulberry and have named it “Jubilee Farms.” They raise cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits, and bees, and they grow veggies, berries, and kids.
Chris Johnson
Associate Pastor
Chris Johnson
Associate Pastor
Pastor Chris is a native of Alleghany County, just an hour from his current residence. He has fond memories growing up less than a mile from the Blue Ridge Parkway, where he would often spend time running or riding his bike. Chris grew up with one sister and two wonderful Christian parents. He found himself in church regularly with his family and grew up being influenced by three preachers, whom he loved dearly - Pastor Glen Killon, Rev. Everette Shaw, and Rev. Harold Wilmoth. After a tragic accident that took the lives of his two best friends, God began to deal with his heart. In a Saturday night revival service, under the preaching of Rev. Everette Shaw, Chris gave his life to Jesus Christ at the age of 15. Chris remembers trying to leave the sanctuary during the altar call but the pull of God was so strong, he could no longer say no to the love of Jesus.
Chris regrets the lukewarm and even prodigal years of his twenties, but is so grateful that the Lord, in his long-suffering, never gave up on him. Romans 8:38-39 were the verses that gave him renewed hope and are his favorite verses today.
In 1989, Chris was married to his wife, Tammy, whom he often says is the glue that has held things together and is his best friend on this planet. They have one son and daughter-in-law, Cole and Brooklyn, and two grand-dogs, Olive and Zeus.
In his late 30’s, Chris felt the call of God but ran from the call for years. His final excuse was ‘Lord I’m too old to answer this call’ and then, just a short time later, a good friend of his told him Moses was eighty years old when he began his ministry. Prior to answering the call to full-time ministry, Chris led the youth at Haymeadow Baptist Church before moving to Oakwoods Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon and interim youth leader under the leadership of Pastor Robert Duncan. Chris says that the strongest influences for him since answering the call have been Pastor Robert Duncan, Pastor David Dyer, and Evangelist Craig Church.
In April 2018, Chris accepted the call from God and the people of Fairplains Baptist Church to serve as their Associate Pastor under the strong leadership and guidance of Pastor David Dyer. This decision was a turning point in Chris’s ministry and has opened many doors to serve. He loves missions and has been blessed to travel both domestically and internationally, sharing the love of God.
Chris is currently completing his degree in Ministry at Fruitland Baptist Bible College in Hendersonville, NC. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Wilkes Prison Ministry and the Board of Directors for the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Chris is honored to serve at Fairplains Baptist Church alongside Pastor David Dyer and looks forward to seeing God do even greater things in the days ahead. His greatest desire is to see Christians mature, many new believers come to Christ as the gospel is advanced, and to become more like Jesus every day!
Tracey Phelps
Children’s Ministry Director
Tracey Phelps
Children’s Ministry Director
Tracey Phelps grew up in rural western New York. She is thankful to have a Christian mom that took she and her brother to church and Sunday school each week. It was in her 4th grade Sunday school class that she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and has been trying to love God with all her heart, mind and soul ever since.
She went to Houghton College and got a degree in elementary education. She has taught in public and private schools for over 17 years, has been a stay at home mom and worked as a learning center coordinator.
She and her husband, Karl, grew up in the same church. They reconnected after college and have been married since July 1989. They raised 3 kids together. They left NY and moved to Wilkesboro when Karl was called to work for Samaritan's Purse.
Altough, she has always been passionate about children it wasn't until after a journey through cancer that Tracey felt the call into Children's ministry. After feeling the extravagant love of God through that time she wants to share that with others.